
16 雞中翼
1 tsp 砂糖
1 tsp 甜紅椒粉 [fig3]
1 tsp 鹽
1 tsp 黑胡椒粉
2 雞蛋
0.5 tbsp 檸檬汁或白醋
1 tsp each 牛至 / 羅勒 /百里香 / 洋蔥粉
1 tsp 蒜粉 [fig5]
1 tsp 泡打粉 [fig6]
1 tsp 粟粉 [fig7]
1 tsp 牛至 [fig8]
氣炸 190 攝氏 8 分鐘
焗爐 220 攝氏 12 分鐘(熱風對流)
氣炸 195 攝氏 5 分鐘
1 雞翼用醃料醃3個小時或以上
2 雞翼上炸粉,浸入凍水3秒,再上炸粉,等5分鐘
3 翻動雞翼1分鐘製成鱗片脆皮
4 雞翼放入焗盤,塗上油,用上述時間溫度進行第一次烤焗
5 咸蛋黃隔水用中火蒸熟,壓碎
6 雞翼取出反轉,塗上油,用上述時間溫度進行第二次烤焗
7 鑊加入1茶匙油用中火燒熱,加咸蛋黃碎炒1分鐘
8 轉細火加牛油,炒至咸蛋黃溶化起泡
9 雞翼加入咸蛋黃醬攪拌均勻即可
Ingredients[click the image to enlarge]
4Salty egg yolks
2 tbsp Butter [fig1]
1 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Paprika [fig3]
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Ground black pepper
2 Large egg
0.5 tbsp Lemon juice or white vinegar
Herbs [optional]:
1 tsp each Oregano / Basil/ Thyme / Onion powder
Flour mixture
1 tsp Garlic powder [fig5]
1 tsp Baking powder [fig6]
1 tsp Cornstarch [fig7]
1 tsp Oregano [fig8]
Adjust your own setting accordingly
First cooking time and temperature
Air fry: 190 Celsius 8 minutes
Oven: 220 Celsius 12 minutes (convectional grill)
Second cooking time and temperature
Air fry: 195 Celsius 5 minutes
1 Marinade the chicken wings with seasoning for 3 hours or more
2 Coat the chicken wings with flour mixture. Soak in water for 3 seconds. Coat again with the flour mixture. Let it rest for 5 mins
3 Toss the chicken wings for 1 min to form the flake on the chicken wings
4 Place the chicken wings in baking tray. Coat with a thin layer of oil. Cook as per first cooking time and temperature suggested above
5 Steam the salty egg yolks over medium heat for 5 mins. Mash it and set it aside
6 Take the chicken wings out and flip it to other side. Coat with a thin layer of oil. Cook as per second cooking time and temperature suggested above
7 Heat the pan over medium heat with 1 tsp of oil. Stir fry the mashed salty egg yolk for 1 min
8 Turn the heat to low. Add in the butter. Stir fry until salty egg yolk melt and become foamy
9 Toss in the cooked chicken wings. Coat each chicken wings with salty egg yolk mixture. Serve it hot
Be gentle when tossing or flipping the chicken wings
Don't use high heat to cook the butter
Add more flour if it isn't enough to cover all chicken wings
氣炸金沙咸蛋雞翼 (中英對照)