

早前,有位做VC公司的朋友,由美國來香港公幹,吹開水佢話每次投project都好似買大細咁,壓力唔細;當然,每次投夥前都會做足功課啦,銀行開戶都要KYC啦,更可況投project,所以,都話唔熟行唔投、睇唔明business model唔投、無或低growth rate唔投、唔sexy無故仔講唔投、同founder唔同咀型唔投。因為,無論bad deal、good deal、evil deal、shitty deal,咩deal都做過,咩deal都見過,做十單,成事機會好可能少過一單,有時頂多可能只係line-up到sales rep或key person出來見個面,賺到吓友誼。因為,做這種事,寧可賺少,不要輸突、爆獲,miss左alibaba唔緊要,只要唔好high野,將來機會一定有;而且,終究,你唔係萬達、唔係softbank,輸一單半單已玩完。如果,你遇到 Madoff這種能夠輸你騙你一世的人,那就無話可說了。

另一方面,好多朋友都想搞start-up,認為只要有個rough idea,就想開始問人要錢。唔係幾十萬規模果D呀,而係動輒上三、四百萬果D。好多人都以為,只要有好idea,就會有老闆、投資者支持。無?咁咪寫proposal申請各大funding同incubation program,總之就一定係opm啦!好少人會真金白銀,用自己錢來搞。

之前,睇到一篇文章,講死得慘的經驗,值得分享:「...Before establishing my own early stage fund, I worked for a well-known venture capital fund seeded by prominent institutional investors. The firm was flush with cash from a newly closed fund, great expectations from the ever watchful media, posh offices in the heart of Central and an intellectual investment team with elite Ivy League pedigrees and top tier work experience. We were led fearlessly forward by the visionary managing partners who appeared to possess the uncanny ability to see into the crystal ball…... We invested in over 50 mildly interesting start-ups within the span of 24 months. It was one big game of musical chairs until the music stopped and we were the only ones still standing. The fund imploded much like a shining star in the heavens that loses its source of heat and collapses upon itself…... Our laptops and Herman Miller chairs flew out the door in a fire sale and I turned off my office lights for the last time with a recommendation letter and a severance check in my pocket…...」係咪好過癮?

唔明唔投,唔識唔投,以為實無死啦;點知遇上了一個有sexy story backup又懂做pitch的talker,水,也就被抽了。後來,又點知,道高一尺,魔高多幾丈呀,原因例如做唔住呀、研發出問題呀、主要管理人員家庭有人離世呀、受性騷擾醜聞打擊呀、錢用完啦唔夠用呀、合夥人打架呀,權鬥呀、無客呀、無marketing呀唔夠sales呀…仲之,個project做做吓、未來得切exit就死左啦!咁究竟係誰是誰非呢?
