如若要談談明星們最平易近人之處,那必須是跟普通素人一樣瘋狂的熱愛pose自己的萌娃,而那些「家中無寶」的明星們則只能退而求其次的讓他們的VIP(Very Important Pet)成為日常休閒生活的調味料。
既然是公眾人物,當然還是有要求的,他們不會一身睡衣,睡眼惺忪的就跑去公園遛狗。看到明星們與他們的VIP同行,觀察他們的穿著與神態舉止,你會發現這絕不是例行公事, 遛狗 瞬間升格為一件集休閒、健身、娛樂於一身的高端活動。
Pup Aid 2013 dog show held at Primrose Hill
Amanda Seyfried takes her dog Flynn for a walk.
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden take their children Harlow and Sparrow to a park in Pasadena, California. Whilst Richie took a walk with the family’s German Shepard.
Suki Waterhouse walks her dog and makes a vulgar hand gesture at photographers.