一名來自美國伊利諾伊州,現居於香港的網民Bob Kraft,昨晚在Facebook上傳數張照片和撰寫了一段長文,指控香港警察的行為。他憶述自己當晚(104)在途經大埔港鐵站時,看到一群年約1618歲的穿著端莊的青少年在互相交談。




Bob KraftFacebook撰寫的英文全文:
Tai Po MTR station. October 4, 2015 6:10 pm I am standing with my 8 year old son in the station that is nearly deserted. A few feet away are two hong kong boys talking to each other. They are well dressed, short haircuts and well mannered. I later found out they are 16 and 18 year's old.

Suddenly 3 policemen move them to the wall. They do a complete body search including lifting up the shirts of the boys and touching their skin. Then each pocket is searched and everything is taken out and looked through.

At this point I am becoming very concerned about the legality of this.

Then the policeman move very close to the face and yelled at them. Then their phone is taken away and their wallets. Every piece of paper in the wallet is removed and looked at and then put back.

I take out my phone and start to record. The police look angry at me. One comes over to me and and says "stop and search".

One of the boys is touched by the plain clothes policeman (who is dressed in army fatigues) and the boy is pushed at his shoulder.

The boys are quiet, well mannered and do what they are told.

The police then use the boys phone to make a call and hands it to the boy to speak. I assume the boys parent is called.

Now what really concerns me is the boy is carrying mail (postal). The police take it and look at each piece of postal address.

After about 20 minutes of what I considered harassment the boys are released.

I spoke to both boys afterwards and they felt the police did something wrong to them but they were not sure what. I went over their rights with them, including asking what reason they were being told to produce their identification card and what they had done wrong. I told them the police looking at their personal post was wrong.

In this case the police conducted a search and seizure without a lawful reason or search warrant. Which in itself is a crime.

They asked me to post the videos and photos I took on Facebook. I do so now.


