話說昨天於金鐘佔領區中,出現了一個意想不到的訪客,那就是全球著名的色士風樂手Kenny G。不過他到場究竟所謂何事、撐佔中還是反佔中?我們可以先看看其事後在Facebook上的留言:
"I was not trying to defy government orders with my last post. I was in Hong Kong as a stop on my way to perform at Mission Hills and happened to walk by the protest area as I was walking around Hong Kong as a tourist. Some fans took my picture and it’s unfair that I am being used by anyone to say that I am showing support for the demonstrators.
I am not supporting the demonstrators as I don’t really know anything about the situation and my impromptu visit to the site was just part of an innocent walk around Hong Kong.
I love Hong Kong and always come here to perform when I’m asked to. I love China and love coming here to perform for over 25 years. I only wanted to share my wish for Peace for Hong Kong and for all of China as I feel close to and care about China very much Please don’t mistake my peace sign for any other sign than a sign for Peace."(話說有人可以告訴他在Facebook用Shift enter可以分行的嗎?原文可是一大堆字沒分段的)
簡單的翻譯一下:他是以遊客身份即興的到現場看看。不過他不明白這次佔領事件背後的詳細因由,而他亦非支持示威者。只是當時有他(Kenny G)的支持者和他合照後,並被當成是支持示威者(佔中)。請不要將他對和平的表現,當成是其他任何其他意思的行為。
Kenny G的Facebook專頁: