▲BlackBerry Venice 3D設計概念渲染圖(純黑版,火紅版) 。
傳聞已久的 BlackBerry Venice 會在11月至12月開售,除了工程測試機神秘現身在加拿大多倫多電影節 (TIFF)中,BlackBerry Venice 實機照片被流出,BlackBerry Venice 操作影片流出外,網站 BerryFlow 找來圖像設計師 @Pootermobile 設計了BlackBerry Venice 多色3D設計概念渲染圖。
下面的 BlackBerry Venice 3D多色設計概念渲染圖包括(純白版,粉藍版,純黑版,火紅版,粉紫版,灰銀版)。更多BlackBerry 的消息請留意我們黑莓會的後續報導吧……
渲染圖 / 彩現(英語:Render)在電腦繪圖中,是指:用軟體從模型生成圖像的過程。模型是用語言或者資料結構進行嚴格定義的三維物體或虛擬場景的描述,它包括幾何、視點、紋理、照明和陰影等信息。圖像是數字圖像或者位圖圖像。彩現一詞來自於中國畫中的渲和染這兩個烘托畫面形象的技巧。另外彩現也用於描述:計算視頻編輯軟體中的效果,以生成最終視頻的輸出過程。
Months ago I challenged our in house lead graphic artist @Pootermobile with rendering BlackBerry’s new slider device with his unique hand and style.
Considering SO much about the device remains speculation, I thought it a good time to reflect on what we’ve seen – these renders come at an interest time toward the end of BlackBerry’s fiscal quarter. Below you’ll get to see some gorgeous conceptual renders of the BlackBerry Slider in Red, Black, Blue, White, Silver and Purple.
Along with these phenomenal visualizations I did a small QnA with Marco to capture some of the design tenants and challenges that come with a device such as this. Enjoy the read, the eye candy, be sure to tell us which color-scheme you like the most…And please, no drooling.
Source: BerryFlow.com , Photo: @Pootermobile
[ 圖像設計師為 BlackBerry Venice 帶來3D多色設計概念渲染圖 ]
▲BlackBerry Venice 3D設計概念渲染圖(純白版,粉藍版) 。
▲BlackBerry Venice 3D設計概念渲染圖(粉紫版,灰銀版) 。
▲BlackBerry Venice 3D設計概念渲染圖(純黑版,火紅版) 。
▲BlackBerry Venice 3D設計概念渲染圖(粉藍版),背後的設計看來是依著 BlackBerry Passport 來設計吧 。
圖像設計師為 BlackBerry Venice 帶來3D多色設計概念渲染圖