體操是中國其中一向擅長的體育項目,在上屆2012倫敦奧運,中國在體操項目共獲得12面獎牌,其中5面是金牌,故內地有家長為了子女長大後可以揚名立萬,會把他們送到去各地的體操學校,自小就接受一系列的地獄式訓練,希望有朝一日,他們能在奧運場上為中國爭光,奪得金牌。Hanging tough: The children try and hang on the horizontal bar for as long as they can. Only those with special physical capabilities are selected


中國雖然出名「假」,但要成為出色的體操運動員,每項訓練都相當認「真」,他們每日都要接受艱辛訓練,如在單杆上長時間吊臂、撐起雙杆、蛙立、無限sit up都是基本,更要接受違反人體物理原則的拉筋動作。


 Bent double: Male students perform a full body stretch while a young girl is shown a different technique by an instructor


Keeping their balance: These boys practise balancing on just their hands. Though gymnasts the world over often start training extremely young, children who show promise in any sport in China are picked out from a young age and sent to training camps like these


Feeling the strain: Youngsters are taught how to push their tiny bodies through the pain barrier at a gymnastics summer school in Bozhou, Anhui Province in China

Put through his paces: An instructor teaches this young boy how to balance between two blocks using just his hands




來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》