
Laurence Gibson holds the loose plane reveal, which fell into his lap when the Ryanair flight he was travelling on came into land at London Stansted

37歲的乘客吉遜(Laurence Gibson)是一名教學助理,他上周六乘坐瑞安航空由波蘭飛往倫敦,當客機著陸的一刻,艙內的窗框竟突然脫落,掉到其大腿上,擦傷了他的手,但最緊要是把他嚇餐懵:「這是我人生中最恐怖的一刻。」


Ryanair say they have noted the dislodging of the window reveal and asked the operator of the flight to ensure it does not happen again


而公司發言人承認曾有甩窗事故,並要求租出客機的營運商Air Explore確保不會讓類似事故重演。

來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》