
26歲的水喉工人Phil Shelgrove在家中試玩從朋友買來的一架Blade 450 3D模型直升機,但他沒有按指示在室外玩,而選擇在客廳玩,結果他打算讓直升機著陸時,不慎按了上升的按鈕,結果直升機猛力撞向天花,再反彈撞向其臉部,結果其左眼被螺旋槳刮出一條6吋長的傷口,左眼見到的,只剩下一片漆黑。




Mr Shelgrove has already undergone six operations at the Moorfield Eye Hospital in London to try and save the sight in his left eye

Phil Shelgrove


The remote control chopper, retails for new for around £400 and claims to be built to deliver 'maximum power and precision'

Mr Shelgrove with his eye bandaged after one of his surgeries. He now says that his accident means he will have to look for a new a career 


來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》