BlackBerry 收購 AtHoc -大眾警報訊息廣佈系統公司 (BlackBerry Acquiring AtHoc)
BlackBerry 除了在較早前已經完成收購 WatchDox 數據安全管理公司,今天更宣佈已與大眾警報訊息廣佈系統公司 AtHoc 簽訂收購協議,將把這家加州新創公司納入旗下、以拓展及加強 BlackBerry 的軟體產品組合內容,以便從BBM 消息服務中獲取更多營收,但未公開收購金額。
AtHoc 使用者包括美國國防部、美國國土安全部及許多大型企業等,當發生緊急狀況時,可即時透過智能電話、PC、Mac、廣播或警報器等各類裝置傳送警報訊息,並可進行救援任務等狀態下協助彼此共享訊息。
AtHoc CEO Guy Miasnik 表示 2010年墨西哥灣油井爆炸事件、2013年華盛頓海軍營區槍擊案發生時,都曾使用 AtHoc 的警報軟體。目前美國政府與軍隊中使用AtHoc服務的人數就達300萬人。
BlackBerry Acquiring AtHoc to Enable Secure Mass Communication and Collaboration
AtHoc is a leading provider of secure, networked crisis communications. Its software platform enables people, devices and organizations to exchange critical information in real time during business continuity and life safety operations. The AtHoc platform will integrate with BlackBerry’s enterprise portfolio and trusted global network to offer customers new capabilities for safety, security and mission-critical business communication.
The acquisition will enable AtHoc to expand globally and increase scale, as well as deliver new applications on a secure platform for mass communication. For example, new applications may include integrating AtHoc solutions with BBM Meetings during an alert to enable live video feeds or transmit messages to provide real-time collaboration by leaders and decision makers.
AtHoc’s networked crisis communications platform alerts any device – including iOS, Android, PC and Mac desktops, digital displays, radios, IP phones, and endpoints such as sirens, fire panels and speakers – helping organizations and people to connect and share information in times of crisis. The leading provider to the U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD) and Homeland Security, AtHoc also supports public and private enterprises across the world, including healthcare providers and industrial facilities.
[ BlackBerry 收購 AtHoc -大眾警報訊息廣佈系統公司 (BlackBerry Acquiring AtHoc) ]
▲AtHoc 使用者包括美國國防部、美國國土安全部及許多大型企業等,當發生緊急狀況時,可即時透過智能電話、PC、Mac、廣播或警報器等各類裝置傳送警報訊息。
BlackBerry 收購 AtHoc -大眾警報訊息廣佈系統公司 (BlackBerry Acquiring AtHoc)