
Cat wakes up from neutering, realises its testicles are gone, screams

在坎布里拉的一名貓咪主人約翰(John Reed),他日前帶其愛貓到獸醫醫院進行絕育手術,貓咪被麻醉後,獸醫就對他進行閹割,貓咪從此不再是完整的男子漢。


This is one of the hilarious pictures of a cat coming round from an operation ñ and realising he has been given the snip.  See SWNS story SWCAT; Milo, the six-month-old cat, was taken for the routine procedure last Sunday morning. Coming round from the anaesthetic, he was sat up on his ownerís bed and checking where his ëbitsí had gone. Realising what had happened, Milo looks directly at the camera before letting out an almighty screech.

來源:metro UK 英國《都市報》