
Eleven people are thought to have been charged with public drinking offences while others had alcohol confiscated. Above, a group is moved on by police



幸好,今次事件並沒有造成任何嚴重傷亡,而據警方調查,他們是透過Facebook專頁「Troon on Thursday」聚集,再乘坐火車到達場地,據報本來人數更多,但因有人收到風警察會掃場而未有「蒲頭」。


Two girls and a boy are led down the road by two police officers. Residents reported spotting young couples having sex in nearby bushes

A police officer searched through the bag of two young girls to check if they had any alcohol or illegal items


Shirtless boys had to be pulled apart by police officers, while large groups of teenagers enjoyed the sunMore than 5,500 teenagers descended on Troon beach, in Ayrshire,  with many drinking, fighting and taking drugs


The majority of teenagers were thought to have arrived at the beach via train, before walking through the town to the beach



來源:Daily Mail 每日郵報
