英國倫敦的溫布萊球場,是很多英國足球員夢寐以求的表演舞台,但近日,一名來自英國漢普郡的特技人James Kingston,他以另類的方式在溫布萊球場表演-他徒手爬上了球場觀眾席的頂部,在440呎的高空俯瞰這個舞台。



James Kingston以前就曾經爬過上巴黎1,084呎高的艾菲爾鐵塔,之後被法國警方拘捕;上年十一月,他攀爬杜拜第二高、共101層的公主塔,他亦登上過烏克蘭基輔的一條大橋頂,但兩次都被拘捕。

Perched precariously on top the 440ft tall Wembley arch, Mr Kingston enjoyed sweeping views across the city

Mr Kingston takes a seat 440ft high with the backdrop of the capital behind him - he described the Wembley arch as an 'iconic landmark' 


Mr Kingston, who lives at home in Hampshire with his mother, lifts his arms up as he stands above the hallowed Wembley turfIncredibly, Mr Kingston used to be scared of heights and started doing parkour as a way to get over his fear 


來源: Daily Mail 每日郵報