鱷魚生性兇殘,但面對救仔心切的河馬母親來勢洶洶,連鱷魚都被嚇到落荒而逃。在南非野生動物公園的克魯格國家公園(Kruger National Park),攝影師Renata Ewald的鏡頭捕捉到15呎鱷魚差點被河馬咬爆頭的一幕。

The 'furious' hippo clamped its teeth down, missing the crocodile's head by inches - when the reptile wandered too close to it and its baby

Renata Ewald憶述當時的情況:「有一隻兇猛的15呎鱷魚咬住一個斑馬頭,準備在河邊開餐,但牠沒留意到附近有一群河馬,河馬媽媽擔心鱷魚不懷好意,故先下手為強!撲向鱷魚,誓要把鱷魚斬草除根。」



The crocodile was snapped walking through the Kruger National Park in South Africa with the head of a dead zebra in its jaws


Protective hippo mothers keep their young away from boisterous family group, to ensure they are not injured by other pack members


Photographer Renata said she was 'totally amazed' at how fast the hippo moved through the water to try and attack the crocodile


Despite refusing to let go of the zebra during its tussle with the hippo, the other crocodiles stole it when it returned to the dam

來源:Daily Mail 每日郵報