
Caitlyn was found in a critical condition last week - she was in agony due to the tight bindings




41歲的William Leonard Dodson,在周一被北查爾斯頓區警方,以虐待動物的罪名拘捕;在他被捕前5日,15個月大的狗仔Caitlyn被居民發現在一條行人路上,身體虛弱,口部更被電線膠紙箍住,居民立即將牠送到查爾斯頓的動物中心,雖然牠只是隻流浪狗,但附近的居民都認得對人很友善的牠。

主診的獸醫Dr. Lucy Fuller表示:「Caitlyn當時感到很痛楚,牠的情況很惡劣,由於被膠紙綁實達36-48小時,血液循環完全被堵塞,肌肉組織壞死,可能要將其舌頭的大部分切除。」



Wounds: Officials said Caitlyn's tongue had no blood flow since it became stuck between her teeth due to the tight tape wrapping for between 36 and 48 hours before she was found


Pain: According to officials at the Charleston Animal Society, the muzzle may have been wrapped between 36 and 48 hours long. Caitlyn and her muzzle are seen here without the tape Pain: According to officials at the Charleston Animal Society, the muzzle may have been wrapped between 36 and 48 hours long. Caitlyn and her muzzle are seen here without the tape 


Caitlyn has been receiving hyperbaric and cold laser treatment to save damaged tissue in her mouth.

來源: Daily Mail 每日郵報