生產仿 BlackBerry 的外接鍵盤商 Typo,已同意永久終止開發及銷售 Typo iPhone Keyboard Case


我們 BlackBerryClubs 黑莓會 在2月時曾報導過 Typo 公司 (生產仿 BlackBerry 的 iPhone 外接鍵盤) 無視早前聯邦法官裁定的禁制令,被聯邦法官判賠罰款86萬美元外加律師費和其他支出給BlackBerry,理由是不遵守去年三月作出的禁售判決。

今天 BlackBerry 發出了新聞稿 Typo 公司 ( 包括:Typo Products LLC, Typo Innovations LLC, Show Media LLC, Hallier Investments LLC, and Laurence Hallier ) 已同意永久終止開發及銷售 Typo iPhone Keyboard Case,根據這份有法律效力的同意協議書, Typo 已同意永久終止開發及銷售智能手機外接 Keyboard 鍵盤 Case ,和不能開發及生產小於7.9"英寸屏幕行動裝置的外接 Keyboard 鍵盤 Case, Typo 以後只能為7.9"英寸或更大屏幕尺寸的設備開發及生產外接 Keyboard 鍵盤 Case。和解協議的其他條款是保密的。

BlackBerry and Typo Agree to Settlement

Jun 1, 2015

Waterloo, ON – BlackBerry Limited (NASDAQ: BBRY; TSX: BB), a global leader in mobile communications, announced today that BlackBerry and Typo Products LLC, Typo Innovations LLC, Show Media LLC, Hallier Investments LLC, and Laurence Hallier have settled their outstanding legal disputes, including BlackBerry Limited v. Typo Products LLC et al. (Case No. 3:14-cv-00023-WHO) and BlackBerry Limited v. Typo Products LLC et al. (Case No. 3:15-cv-00715-WHO), both pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.As part of the settlement, Typo Products LLC, Typo Innovations LLC, Show Media LLC, Hallier Investments LLC, and Laurence Hallier have agreed to permanently discontinue selling anywhere in the world keyboards for smartphones and mobile devices with a screen size of less than 7.9 inches. Typo Products LLC, Typo Innovations LLC, Show Media LLC, Hallier Investments LLC, and Laurence Hallier may continue to sell keyboards for devices with a screen size of 7.9 inches or larger. Other terms of the settlement are confidential.

[ 生產仿 BlackBerry 的外接鍵盤商 Typo,已同意永久終止開發及銷售 Typo iPhone Keyboard Case ]

BlackBerry and Typo Agree_bbc_01

▲“Typo" 是由美國偶像節目主持人 Ryan Seacrest 研發及投資100 萬美元,是一款仿 BlackBerry QWERTY 鍵盤外觀的 iPhone 外接鍵盤,大家猜猜上圖那台是 BlackBerry Q10 那台是 Typo iPhone Keyboard Case 。

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▲大家再猜猜上圖那台是 BlackBerry Q10 那台是 Typo iPhone Keyboard Case 。

 生產仿 BlackBerry 的外接鍵盤商 Typo,已同意永久終止開發及銷售 Typo iPhone Keyboard Case
