
Surprise! The two women shock the men when they show them how good they really are, with the girl in the red dress easily scoring goals against the other team

電視台請來的,是巴西女足比列提(Raquel Benetti)與法國女足科格雷(Alice Fougeray),穿上紅色連身短裙的比列提以美色誘惑,懇求一班壯男與她和其行動不便的大媽(由科格雷假扮)一同踢波,男士們無奈答應。

Unlikely pros: The two women dress to make themselves less intimidating; one wears a sexy red dress, and the other disguises herself as a grandmaUnlikely pros: The two women dress to make themselves less intimidating; one wears a sexy red dress, and the other disguises herself as a grandma


Think fast! Both women even perform tricks with the soccer ball, running circles around the male playersThink fast! Both women even perform tricks with the soccer ball, running circles around the male players


Total pros: As it turns out, the women are professional freestyle soccer players Raquel Benetti (pictured) and Alice FougerayTotal pros: As it turns out, the women are professional freestyle soccer players Raquel Benetti and Alice Fougeray (pictured)



來源: Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》