吳家麗因以「胸部襲警」而被判囚3個半月的案件在被捕及上周四判刑後,已多次被國外傳媒廣泛關注及報導,昨日連美國著名清淡節目Conan的主持人Conan O'Brien亦在節目當中諷刺胸部襲警。
▼Conan O'Brien
Conan O'Brien美國時間8月3日晚播出的節目中,大約有一分鐘的時間提及「胸部襲警」案。Conan O'Brien指「在香港有位女士被控以胸部襲警而被囚,警員要求她道歉但她再做一次,我不明白是如何發生。」之後他又以誇張的動作假裝以胸部攻擊別人,引得觀眾哄堂大笑。但同時作為一個香港人,聽到這種諷刺的笑話只能苦笑。
內容全文 :
Conan O'Brien :In Hong Kong, that's right, I said "in Hong Kong". A woman was sent to prison for assaulting a police officer with her breast. The police officer is demanding an apology and that she do it again. I don't even understand how...I understand how technically.
Andy :Yes, it's probably some martial arts thing.
Conan O'Brien :What? Nunchuks with the breast?