近日加拿大有一隻名為Tonkey的「熊皮沙皮犬」 (bear-coat shar-pei),因為外形酷似小熊(Teddybear),令牠在網絡上大受歡迎,在instagram已經有十萬個粉絲,風頭絕不比電影《賤熊》中的賤熊遜色。



Celebrity: Tonkey is a bear-coat Shar Pei and pictures of the cuddly dog are melting hearts all over the world. This picture has 3,900 likes


Owners: The puppy lives with Christine Park, 26, and boyfriend David Ngu, 30, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Puppy dog eyes: Owner Christine said even when she's in trouble, those eyes could melt the coldest of heartsShe's a funny character. Her tail wags at lightning speed


Good dog: Shar Peis can be hard work and Tonkey has a tendency to be hard-headed and independent but is also a good listenerShe can be stubborn and feisty but her owners can't tell if it's just because she's a puppy


Example: Tonkey learns from the couple's first dog, Maxi, who teaches her to obey commands, tricks and mannersPart of the family: Her owners say that they love her and their bond grows every day

來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》