近日,一名來自愛爾蘭的老伯伯(Mickey McCaldin)到肯雅旅行,他坐在車上欣賞禁獵區的野生動物,竟有一群餓了幾日的野豹突然衝上車,對伯伯「豹」視眈眈,結果伯伯對這群不速之客客氣微笑,但口裏說不,身體卻很誠實,從其神情就看得出,他只是扮鎮定。

A curious wild cat got up close and personal with a holidaymaker on safari in Kenya when the animal jumped into the back seat of a jeep




At first, the cheetah simply looked at Irish tourist Mickey McCaldin curiously, but then it moved closer as if to curl up on his lap


A curious wild cat got up close and personal with a holidaymaker on safari in Kenya when the animal jumped into the back seat of a jeep

At one point, the large cat was so close to Mickey that it was only about a foot away from his faceFamily friend David Horsey captured the tense standoff between the pair, including the moment that the animal lept into the safari jeepMaking himself comfortable: The cheeky cheetah and his family casually lounged atop the group's Land Cruiser jeep


來源:Daily Mail 每日郵報