
▼莎士比亞說: ­再好的東西,都有失去的一天。 ­再深的記憶,也有淡忘的一天。 ­再愛的人,也有遠走的一天。 ­再美的夢,也有甦醒的一天。 ­該放棄的絕不挽留。 ­
can someone give me some good book recommendations, please? thank you:

▼劉心武說: ­不要指望,麻雀會飛得很高。 ­高處的天空,那是鷹的領地。 ­麻雀如果擺正了自己的位置,它照樣會過得很幸福! ­
You are Super Low Maintenance ~ You don’t need to waste a bunch of time getting ready, you’re looking at five minutes or less and you’re out the door. http://luarandwolffdene.com/2014/12/creamy-hot-chocolate.html:

▼亦舒說: ­人們日常所犯最大的錯誤,是對陌生人太客氣,而對親密的人太苛刻, ­把這個壞習慣改過來,天下太平。
im still so amazed that almost 7,000 people follow me lol seriously that is soo many people. idk why you guys even follow me lol my acc sucks and all i do is pin pics of clothes i want, fangirl 95% of the time and rant about ashton irwin's amazing voice. but seriously thank you guys for following me. i honestly didn't think i'd like pinterest this much or even have like 10 followers. lol i remember how excited I got when i reached 50 followers and now i have almost 7,000 amazing people who follow me. ily xx (ih-lee as 5sos say lol):

▼郭敬明說: ­我終於發現自己看人的眼光太過簡單,我從來沒有去想面具下面是一張怎樣的面容, ­我總是直接把面具當做面孔來對待,卻忘記了笑臉面具下往往都是一張流著淚的臉。
If there are some books you think I may like, feel free to give me those as gifts. I love reading!!:

▼三毛說: ­不要害怕拒絕他人,如果自己的理由出於正當。 ­當一個人開口提出要求的時候,他的心裡根本預備好了兩種答案。 ­所以,給他任何一個其中的答案,都是意料中的。 
She sat on the bus, reading her favorite novel. How did I know that? She's my best friend. But everyday, I had to keep further and further away from her. Problem is, I don't know why. And neither does she.:

▼郭敖說: ­我們始終都在練習微笑,終於變成不敢哭的人。 ­
Delicia es leer con un café de compañía:

▼張小嫻說: ­如果沒法忘記他,就不要忘記好了。 ­真正的忘記,是不需要努力的。 ­
Sarah Moldovan is quite the photographer.    Great Prints at Great Prices:

▼張愛玲說: ­愛情本來並不複雜,來來去去不過三個字, ­不是我愛你、我恨你, ­便是算了吧、你好嗎、對不起。 
Forever Lost in Literature:

▼玄漪說: ­能夠說出的委屈,便不算委屈; ­能夠搶走的愛人,便不算愛人。
graceinchrist:Mia.:  ­

▼亦舒說: ­無論怎麼樣,一個人藉故墮落總是不值得原諒的, ­越是沒有人愛,越要愛自己。 ­
