

Kitty Punlokyan:拖實我唔準放手呀

Mag Gie:好得意呀

Sylvia Lai:好得意呀佢


Nelly Nahri:Adorable baby but please keep him safe and secured as you never know God forbids in case of an accident or something where you need to hit your brakes...please be more cautious for their safety just like kids....God bless you angel.(BB很可愛但請保證牠的安全,因為你永遠不知道上帝的旨意,事故可能會突然發生...為了牠們的安全,請如同保護孩子們謹慎....上帝保佑你的天使。)

Pamelala Jane:Exactly the reason why I got a dog harness pronto to make sure my dog stayed in the back or boot. Though it is cute the first time it is so distracting and I didn't want to crash and hurt my dog, not to mention myself or other road users.(這是我為狗狗繫上狗繩和確保牠坐在後座的原因。雖然牠是可愛,但會令人分心。我不希望傷害我的狗狗,更不要說自己或其他道路使用者。)


資料來源:The Daily Star