半夜的辦公室予人冷清和心寒的感覺;PK VINES日前上傳的影片,更把恐怖的氣氛,推至極點。
其實這段短片早在數年前一度廣傳,近日再由PK VINES重新上傳,並再次引起網民的熱烈討論。有指,片中的辦公室位於英國曼徹斯特;而具20多年捉鬼經驗的Scott Mackinnon直言片段偽造,並不是鬼片,但承認片段製作細緻,幾可亂真。
Scott Mackinnon回應:
This video, though extremely well put together, is a fake. I did some digging into it and there's a number of ways that you can tell it isn't real. Some of the scenes have clearly been edited and there's a few different signifiers of it that wouldn't stand out to the untrained eye. But it is really well done.
I lead a team of psychics and those that concentrate more on the scientific aspects of the paranormal to try and discover the reason behind any unexplained occurrences or activity. If someone is being haunted then we go to them and work out how we can help. But in this case we obviously won't be needed.