50歲的羅霖因其凍齡身軀,被傳媒封為「美魔女」,聲名更傳遍國際;而來自英國埃塞克斯(Essex)42歲的Georgie Smedley,同樣是美魔女,她與19歲的女兒Jazz站在一起,更加會令人誤會是姊妹,究竟誰才是媽媽?

Georgie (right), 42, admits that she began resembling her daughter more after she had gastric bypass surgery and lost four and a half stone




Georgie (left), 42, and Jazz (second left), 29, could pass for the same age sitting together at a work function with X Factor contestant Fleur East (second from right)


Jazz (left) has said that her mother (right) used to be swathed in 'baggy clothes' but gained a new-found confidence after her weight-lossGeorgie Smedley (right), 42, and daughter Jazz, 19 (left), are often mistaken for sisters and people have even mistaken them for twins 

來源: Daily Mail 英國 《每日郵報》