




When rescuers found Bobb, who had been owned by a group of homeless people in Los Angeles, California, they discovered his matted fur had cut off the circulation to his legs, causing them to to start to detachHe is now enjoying a new life with professional dog trainer, Megan Lundberg, who fostered Bobb before deciding she and her husband wanted to adopt him

Bobb現在由專業練狗師Megan Lundberg領養,她認為Bobb向世人證明了,即使是變老抑或被遺棄,都仍會有重獲新生的希望。

Mrs Lundberg has tried to get prosthetics for Bobb, but because his amputation was so high, there is not enough leg to attach a prosthesis toVets in San Diego had to perform a full amputation on the limbs, removing his front right leg just above his paw and his back left leg just below his knee


Bobb has made friends with his owner's two Siberian huskies, Kaytu and Denali, as well as the family's cats


來源: Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》