澳洲一隻岩袋鼠(rock wallaby)媽媽慘被汽車撞死後棄屍路邊,已引來大堆螞蟻和蒼蠅,但袋鼠寶寶仍懵然不知,走到媽媽身邊落力吸吮母乳,屢次想鑽入媽媽的口袋不果,畫面令人心痛。

The baby rock wallaby was frightened and tried desperately to find her way back into her dead mother's pouch

這個場面由澳洲男子Chris Rishworth於北昆士蘭省的馬格內蒂克島(Magnetic Island)拍攝,他在踏單車時,發現這隻可憐的寶寶在媽媽腐爛的屍體旁邊,周圍都是螞蟻,但寶寶不知道媽媽已經去世,還希望鑽進媽媽的口袋,又在吸吮媽媽的乳頭。



 Covered in ants and flies, the joey's mother had been killed by a car 


Brought to the Wallaby Refuge on Magnetic Island, the owner said she was 'fine physically but a very frightened little girl', and would be receiving a lot of tender loving care to help her recover.

來源: Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》