BlackBerry CEO John Chen 表示將集中專業人士及政府部門的手機市場

BlackBerry CEO John Chen 日前在接受 Bloomberg 彭博訪問時表示,若 BlackBerry 的整頓計劃未能達到預期效果,BlackBerry 將不再生產低階手機(如 BlackBerryZ3 / BlackBerryLeap ),並且表示將集中專業人士及政府部門的手機市場,使手機事業轉虧為盈。

BlackBerry 在上季的手機營收較一年前減了31%至2.63億美金, John Chen 表示若手機事業虧損時間持續,並拖累獲利就不應該繼續做下去。

BlackBerry 在全球智能手機市場的市佔不到1%,但 BlackBerry 市場主力是美國政府部門及歐美各大企業,而並不是一般只要求娛樂、遊戲的大眾市場。

John Chen 自從一年半前接任 BlackBerry CEO後,已將 BlackBerry 的製造委託給多家台灣廠商以減省成本費用,若 BlackBerry 決定停產手機,勢必影響鴻海集團 (富智康集團有限公司 FIH Mobile Limited,簡稱富智康集團或富智康,前身為「富士康國際控股有限公司」Foxconn)、緯創 (Wistron) 及仁寶 (Compal ) 等這幾間代工廠。

BlackBerry Ltd. may be forced to stop making smartphones if turnaround efforts fail to gain traction, Chief Executive Officer John Chen said in an interview.
The company could still reduce the number of models, discontinue low-end devices and focus more on professionals and government workers to bring the smartphone business back to profitability, Chen said.
“That’s the most ideal case,” Chen said. “At a certain point in time, the economics take over,”
BlackBerry’s smartphone revenue fell 31 percent to $263 million in the most recent quarter from a year earlier. If the current state continues for a “long time” and drags down the company’s shareholders and balance sheet, it wouldn’t be right to keep going, Chen said.
Since taking over a year and a half ago, Chen has outsourced manufacturing to several Taiwanese firms to cut costs and also allowed the Waterloo, Ontario-based company’s software to work on devices made by other manufacturers.
He’s still got a long way to go before the software business becomes dominant. Smartphones accounted for nearly half of the revenue for the company’s fiscal year that ended in February. BlackBerry cited an average analyst estimate in its annual general meeting presentation in June that showed the device business’s proportion of revenue growing this year, even as Chen works to double software sales to $500 million.


[ BlackBerry CEO John Chen 表示將集中專業人士及政府部門的手機市場 ]

Non-camera Classic

專業人士及政府部門的手機市場: BlackBerry 官方早前推出無相機版本BlackBerry Classic 給保密度極高的企業。 


Manuel Valls BlackBerryQ10 selfie_bbc_01

專業人士及政府部門的手機市場: 法國總理瓦爾斯(Manuel Valls) 主動拿起手機 (BlackBerry Q10) 和中國總理李克強自拍。(Photo:

 BlackBerry CEO John Chen 表示將集中專業人士及政府部門的手機市場