美國伊利諾伊州一名19歲男侍應生Brendan Motill,日前在上班的時候,獲得一個「意外收穫」;事關他跟一名男客人閒聊短短10分鐘,分享自己的夢想後,竟然獲得1,000美元(約港幣8,000)的貼士。 



▼下圖為Brendan Motill。


Thanks for your kind service! You’re doing a great job as a server. I’m not sure what your hopes and dreams are in this life, but I hope this tip helps.
My hope is that people were more peaceful to each other. The world can be so negative and violent, I commit random acts of kindness to let others know there can be another way. Peace be with you brother!

資料來源:Metro UK 英國《都市報》、ABC 7