教宗方濟各近日到訪巴拉圭,有一名來自阿根廷的女模特兒Victoria Xipolitakis慕名而來,希望趁教宗出巡時一睹其風彩,豈料因冇戴bra「飛釘」,被保安帶離現場。

Victoria Xipolitakis caused a furore after sitting in the first row without a bra (pictured) during the Pope's visit to Paraguay

29歲的Victoria Xipolitakis專程走到巴拉圭,希望目睹教宗,藉此「洗脫並讓上帝寬恕其罪行」,但她在街上與群眾們等候教宗時,不慎再次犯罪,穿上白色背心和牛仔吊帶褲的她,竟然唔戴bra「真空」上陣,兩點盡突,有辱教宗的神聖,有民眾發現後即場喧鬧對其性感衣著表示不滿,引起了保安注意把她帶走。



Victoria Xipolitakis is escorted from the public gatheringThe busty model wore just a tiny white top under blue dungarees


Xipolitakis is pictured here making her way to the front row of a crowd gathered to see the Pope


Pope Francis waves to crowds in Asuncion, Paraguary, during a  mass in the South American city on Sunday



Xipolitakis pictured with two pilots who were reportedly fired last month for letting her take the controls of a passenger flight

來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》