近日有一名澳洲漁民Joel Merchant發現,在昆士蘭黃金海岸對出的一帶海域,鯊魚的數目突然大幅增加,牠們更因而出現自相殘殺的情況。

Fisherman Joel Merchant has released pictures of sharks which have attacked each other in the water

Joel 單單在去年,已捕獲了44頭鯊魚,其中有8隻虎頭鯊和9隻大白鯊,兩種都被專家認定為多宗人類受鯊魚襲擊的元兇。


而海洋生態學家Daniel Bucher為此現象作解釋,認為海水溫度近年出現異常變化,故昆士蘭一帶海域吸引到更多鯊魚、包括一些可怕品種,令牠們出現殘殺同類的情況。






In the past year, 44 sharks have reportedly been captured, including eight tiger sharks and nine great whites

Joel Merchant, a commercial fisherman said he has seen a surge in tiger sharks over the last six monthsLocal fishermen in the area have noticed shark-on-shark attacks have increased, with shark remains coming up in netsIt appears that survival of the fittest is a daily task for younger more vulnerable sharks since the bizarre water temperatures seem to be attracting larger more fearsome species


來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》