最近在澳洲一名8個月大的BB囡憑住一雙水汪汪的藍色大眼睛,紅透網絡世界,就連美國真人騷女星Kim Kardashian都被她吸引到,更向她送上禮物。

This photo of rapper Fortafy's daughter, Egypt, went viral after it was posted on the Kardashian Kids Instagram and Facebook pages

這個BB囡其實是澳洲布里班本一名饒舌歌手Fortafy的女兒,被改名為「埃及(Egypt)」,她憑一雙精靈的藍眼,修長的眼睫毛以及可愛的面孔,成功取悅不少網民。但她真正一炮而紅的時刻,是當Kim Kardashian與其家人創立的嬰兒服飾品牌「Kardashian Kids」,早前在instagram上都分享了「埃及」的照片後,令「埃及」的趣緻面孔真正公諸於世,網民紛紛與朋友分享,令其專頁在短短數個月吸引到十萬名粉絲。



People liked the photograph of Egypt reposted on the Kardashian Kids Instagram account almost 30,000 times


Here Egypt, who has amassed 100,000 likes on Facebook, is pictured with her mother, Shana Evers, and father, Fortafy - also known as Sam Ratumaitavuki


Egypt's photograph has sparked many people to create memes of herThey comment on her cuteness and her signature big blue eyes


Egypt's mother, Shana Evers, who is pictured above with her daughter often attracts comments about her similarities with Kim Kardashian


The Kardashians sent the young family a note with clothes from their latest baby collectionUnderneath Egypt's photograph on social media, people gushed about her eyes and her photogenic looks

▼右一就是送上嬰兒衫的Kim Kardashian

Above are the famous reality television stars of Keeping Up With The Kardashians - Khloe, Kourtney and Kim - back in March this year


來源: Daily Mail 每日郵報