


中心經理John Bielby形容牠們形影不離:「牠們任何時間都在一起,Buzz走到哪,Glenn就走到那,而Glenn進食亦需要Buzz的協助,Buzz會把Glenn帶到自己的糧兜前,在室內Glen亦要Buzz引路,才不會周圍撞板。」



Best friends: Staff at the rescue centre say the unlikely pair – thought to be between nine and 10 – may have been abandoned because of their age

Loyal: Centre manager John Bielby, 56, said: 'They stay together at all times and Glenn follows Buzz wherever he goes. Wherever one goes the other one follows'


Going for a walk: Glenn is helped to his bed and directed to his food by his 'guide dog' Buzz. Mr Bielby said they were looking for a quiet home for the pair, perhaps with someone who was retired


Rescue centre staff say if the dogs are separated for a few minutes they both bark and become distressed


Sleeping: The charity has said it will keep the dogs until they find somebody who can take them both. Glenn is often helped to his bed by his 'guide dog' Buzz



來源: Daily Mail 每日郵報