教你如果進全球最佳僱主裡打工 – Google 面試解構

Google 公司文化開明,自由度極大,是所有上班族夢魅以求的工作勝地,估計谷歌每天收到的求職信應該多不勝數,求職者要突圍而出,應該作好準備,最近 Google 人事部門 HR ( People Operation) 的副總裁 Laszlo Bock 推出了他的新書 – “Work Rules!” 提及了一些僱主 Interview 要注意的事,知己知彼,看完文章後應該了解到他們的面試手法,為最佳僱主公司進發又邁進一步。

很多人認為,在這家最具創意的公司工作,面試問題一定千奇百怪,天馬行空,但其實相反,Laszlo Bock 首先指出,一般僱主都會問題些奇怪或許沒有結構性的問題,認為這樣考核求職者十分有用,但這樣只會幫倒忙,而且這樣是未必能夠準確推測求職者日後於崗位的表現。

Bock 透露 Google 使用的是叫 qDroid 的機制,考驗求職者的問題會因求職崗位而轉變,而且是有清單列舉的,再細分為


Creative thinking 創新思維

1. “Tell me about two suggestions you have made to your supervisor in the past year. How did you come up with the ideas? What happened? How do you feel about the way things went?”  – 向上司提出建議的經驗

2. “Tell me about a time when a co-worker had a good idea and you agreed but no one else was willing to listen. How did you handle the situation and what was the outcome?” – 假若你跟同事的構思沒有人想聽時的解決方法

3. “What projects have you started on your own? Why did you start the projects? What did you learn from doing the projects? What were the results?”- 自己創立計劃方案的經驗及成果

4. “Describe a creative endeavor you can take ownership for that impacted on the efficiency or effectiveness of your organization.” – 描述可以為您的公司提升效率和影響性的方案

Interpersonal effectiveness 人際間的相應

1. “Describe a situation where you felt you had not communicated well. How did you correct the situation?” – 如果更正溝通上的失誤

2. “Describe a time when you’ve had to work with strong-willed peers. What did you do? How did you handle them so you could influence their decisions?” – 面對意志堅定的同事時,如何可以改變他們的決定

3. “Describe the most challenging negotiation in which you were involved. What did you do? What were the results for you? What were the results for the other party?” – 曾面對過最難的談判經驗

4. “Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone’s opinion. How did you prepare for the presentation? What points did you emphasize? How was the information received?” – 當需要利用你的演講技巧來說服他人時,你要準備及強調的地方

Personal mastery 個人超越

1. “Name three things you have done in the past two years to grow in your job.” – 過往曾經做過令自己成長的事

2. “Describe a situation where you can take credit for the growth and development of a staff member or co-worker. Be specific about your role in terms of interactions and the outcome.” – 你對同事成長發展的成就

3. “In a supervisory role, have you ever had to discipline or counsel an employee? What was the nature of the discipline? What steps did you take? How did that make you feel? How did you prepare yourself?” – 如果去忠告及管理員工

4. “Tell me about a specific time you sought specific feedback on your performance from subordinates. Specifically, how did you use the feedback? Cite specific changes resulting from the feedback.” – 向下屬找尋反饋及意見的時候及你的相應行動

Soure: Business Insider

 教你如果進全球最佳僱主裡打工 – Google 面試解構
