
Humble: The couple happily stepping behind the counter while still dressed in their traditional wedding clothing in order to serve meals to the 4,000 Syrian refugees

新郎 Fethullah Uzumcuoglu與新娘Esra Polat上周四於土耳其的基利斯(Kilis)舉行婚宴,當地一個協助難民的慈善團體Kimse Yok Mu,安排專車接載4000名難民到婚禮現場,一對新人還穿著住整齊傳統禮服,為難民們分發食物。

今次邀請難民的主意,是由新郎的爸爸Ali Uzumcuoglu構思,他說:「我認為與親友們大排筵席,實屬非必要,尤其當我想到附近仍有很多人在掙扎求存。」


Wonderful: The idea for the huge wedding feast was that of the groom's father Ali Uzumcuoglu, who said he wanted to share the couple's special day with 'our Syrian brothers and sisters'




Feeding the 4,000: Newlyweds Fethullah Uzumcuoglu and Esra Polat welcomed thousands of displaced families to their service in the southern Turkish city of Kilis last week, enlisting the help of a local charity

來源:Daily Mail 英國《每日郵報》