
After stalking the porcupine for some time, the leopard decided to try its luck only to be pricked on the paw by the creature's sharp quills

36歲的荷蘭業餘攝影師Wolfir Van Eck於6月13日在南非拍到這個畫面,在烈日當空的中午,獵豹四出覓食,牠在遠處的草原見到一隻黑色的生物,以為輕鬆找到午餐。




Although it had no chance of outrunning the leopard, the porcupine's huge quills formed a formidable defence

After running out of of patience and ideas on how best to kill the porcupine, the leopard went for the kill


Instead of lunch, the leopard was left with a sore paw and it beat a hasty retreat when it realised the meal may not have been worth it


來源:Daily Mail每日郵報