美國名媛Paris Hilton認真「陰公豬」!最近她應邀出席於杜拜舉行的酒店開幕活動,但竟成為埃及電視台整蠱節目《Ramez in Control》的獵物,她被主持Ramez Galal邀請上小型飛機,聲稱與她在高空欣賞杜拜的美景,Paris應邀,但期間主持假裝即將墜機,機上還有其他「受驚」的賓客,但其實全部都是演員,唯獨Paris Hilton真的被嚇到花容失色。

Scared: Paris Hilton screamed on board a sight-seeing plane she thought was going to crash in a TV prank organized by Egyptian actor and TV personality Ramez Galal, seated beside her wearing sunglasses


過幾分鐘後,更有人打開逃生門,直接「跳傘」逃生,有工作人員拿着降落傘叫Paris跳下去,但Paris始乎沒太大信心:「我唔想跳,我死都唔跳。」結果擾攘多數分鐘後,飛機快將到地,結果安全着陸,Paris Hilton以為自己得到上天眷顧,大難不死,但Paris都還未回魂,主持Ramez脫掉黑超,把真相告知她,Paris即時黑面:「我要殺死你!」

被激到生蝦咁跳的 Paris依然喊到不能收聲,坦言最害怕的死亡方法就是遇上空難,因為幾乎日日都要坐。主持雖出盡力氹Paris,表示大家都很愛她,但她都只是對鏡頭強顏歡笑。


Uncertain: The 34-year-old blonde wasn't sure what was happening


Exiting: Some of those on board were given parachutes and thrown out of the rear door of the plane


Joking: Galal kept telling the DJ and model that it was all for a prank show, but Paris seemed to have difficulty understanding what he was telling her. 'I'm going to kill you,' she shouted once the penny dropped


來源: Daily Mail 每日郵報