如何增加床上持久度ptt ,想要增加床上持久度,可以考慮以下幾個方面:

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How to increase bed durability ptt

If you want to increase the durability in bed, you can consider the following aspects:

1. Exercise muscles: The process of ejaculation mainly involves the contraction and relaxation of bladder muscles and perineal muscles. By exercising these muscles, you can increase their control and thus prolong ejaculation. For example, Kegel exercises can be practiced to strengthen the perineal muscles.

2. Reduces stress: Stress may contribute to premature ejaculation because it can make a person tense and anxious. Reducing stress as much as possible can help you relax and help prolong ejaculation.

3. Change sexual behavior habits: By changing sexual behavior habits, the stimulation of sensitive areas can be reduced, thereby prolonging the ejaculation time. For example, you can try to use the "tease-pause" method, that is, stop stimulation when you are about to reach an orgasm, and continue stimulation after a short rest, so that your body can gradually adapt to longer stimulation.

4. Use local long-lasting solution: some local long-lasting liquid such as lidocaine spray can reduce sensitivity and prolong ejaculation time. However, you should follow your doctor's advice when using it, and don't overuse or use too much.

5. Drug treatment: Oral drugs such as Dapoxetine mentioned above can help prolong the ejaculation time. However, you should consult your doctor before using the drug to understand its indications and side effects. https://5mg.xyz

Building muscles can help increase body control, including controlling ejaculation. Here are some ways you can build muscle:

Kegel exercises: Kegel exercises are a method of exercising the perineal muscles, which can increase muscle control by controlling muscle contraction and relaxation. The way to practice Kegel exercise is: when urinating, try to contract the perineal muscles as hard as possible, and keep it for 5 seconds, and then relax slowly. Repeat 10 times a day, with 5 seconds between each exercise.

Breathe deeply: Breathing deeply can help relax the body and mind, thereby reducing tension and anxiety, and helping to prolong ejaculation. When you feel that you are about to ejaculate, you can pause and take 5 deep breaths before continuing the sexual act.

Physical exercise: Physical exercise can help improve fitness and control, which can help prolong ejaculation time. You can do some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, skipping rope