Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions among men, significantly impacting both their psychological and physiological well-being. This article explores the causes, treatment methods, and preventive measures of PE from both traditional and Western medical perspectives.


The causes of PE are diverse, mainly including psychological and physiological factors. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression often lead to difficulties in controlling ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Physiological factors may involve abnormalities in the nervous system, endocrine system, or genitourinary system. Additionally, unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and fatigue can exacerbate the issue of PE.

Western medical treatments for PE primarily include pharmacotherapy and behavioral therapy. Common medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and local anesthetics, can help prolong the time to ejaculation. Behavioral therapy, on the other hand, aims to improve sexual control through methods like adjusting the frequency of sexual activity and strengthening pelvic floor muscles.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) attributes PE to internal causes such as kidney deficiency, liver stagnation, and spleen deficiency. TCM adopts a syndrome differentiation approach, using treatments like acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicine to regulate the body and improve constitution. TCM emphasizes holistic treatment, believing that only by improving overall health can PE be effectively treated.

Preventing PE involves adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and avoiding excessive fatigue and stress are crucial preventive measures. Additionally, good communication and trust between partners can help reduce the occurrence of PE.

Although PE is a common problem, timely professional help and appropriate treatment and preventive measures can lead to significant improvement for most patients. By integrating traditional and Western medical treatments and choosing the most suitable approach based on individual circumstances, optimal treatment outcomes can be achieved.






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